Busy Saturday

We started the day in a 5K for Parkinson’s.

Then breakfast, then the herb sale at Maymont and wrapping up with a wait in line at Ardent Craft Ales to buy Texas-style bbq. Perhaps, you will remember we have been known to fly to Texas for a long weekend filled with beef brisket.

The wait in line was not too bad since Ardent is the best RVA brewery and ZZQ is freaking outstanding food. So, a lager/ale hybrid for the better-half and a double IPA for me. This for dinner:

We also managed to haul ourselves to Kroger and catch a nap. Work has been brutal since vacation. Tired physically and brains hurt brutal.

BTW, Miles Ahead is a good movie, especially if you like Miles Davis the way we do.

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Time for a beer

Last night we walked in a 5K. We’ve never done one of those in the evening before, but it did mean margaritas as a follow up. Our friend had completed another 5K in the morning so she was ready for an adult beverage.

Today I cut the grass which, oddly enough, equals another 5K of walking. The better-half and I started on our second set of garden planters:

We just need dirt and plants now.

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Just a dream and the wind to carry me

Sea turtle achievement unlocked:

We went on an island tour and saw one of the windmills on a former sugar plantation. There are only a few windmills remaining from the olden days:

We also went on a sailing vessel. Argh, matey:

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Best sunset, so far

Looking towards St. Thomas, USVI

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Reedy Creek

We went on a walk today down by the river. It had been years since I walked along that portion of the James so it was nice to get a different perspective on the river.

Here’s a shot of what is known as the Nickel bridge (actually 35 cents these days) and the Carillon.

While we were stopping for pictures we saw two kayakers who had flipped over and were in the water. Jeez. We stood anxiously while they maneuvered over to the rocks and were able to get back in their boats. They were smart–traveling together and wearing helmets. The James river has rocks in spades. Lots and lots of rocks.

When we got back to the parking lot, one of the kayakers was sitting with a towel wrapped around him. He still looked cold even though he was wearing protective gear.

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So, there’s some work stuff going on that makes me tired. My work buddy and I talked today and we’re tired of the atmosphere. There are some people working really hard to keep moving forward and then there’s someone who is actively undermining. It doesn’t help that this person is in management. My work buddy and I are both in need of a vacation. I’m getting one of those soon–yay! Work buddy will have to figure out a mental health break.

Last Friday we held a happy hour at our house and it was super awesome. We’ve talked about having my department come over and so we invited everyone and some other folks too. We were thrilled to be able to open the back doors and let people mingle in the house or out on the deck. Hello, unseasonably warm days!

Our ability to estimate food needs some work, though. There were so many leftovers. The beer and wine leftovers were pretty significant too, but they’ll keep. I learned later that a girlfriend of a co-worker had been having a really bad day, but after coming to our party she felt much better…and no that wasn’t alcohol talking. It’s the tiny things, you know? People being happy is a good thing.

Tomorrow, the better-half and I are celebrating our 20th anniversary. Wow.

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What TLC will get you

A coworker left her pointsettia behind when she left the company. No one was gifted the plant and so no one paid attention to it for months. I got sick of the plant languishing and moved it to my desk. Behold the power of TLC:

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It’s already the middle of March

What have we been up to for the last three months? Working. Going out to dinner and listening to bands. That’s it. Wonder why content here is so light? That’s why.

Here’s our list of concerts so far this year:
1/12/2016–Matt Goss at Caesar’s Palace (I was alone for this one)
1/31/2016–Howie Day and Anna Rose (the two of us and a good friend)
2/6/2016–Mack Avenue Superband which included: Gary Burton, The Christian McBride, Tia Fuller, Christian Sands, Dominick Farinacci and Carl Allen (the two of us)
2/27/2016–Patty Griffin, Sara Watkins and Anais Mitchell with David Pulkingham (the two of us)
3/3/2016–Jesse Cook (the two of us and a good friend)
3/10/2016–Bonnie Raitt with California Honeydrops (the two of us and a good friend)

Holy cow was Bonnie Raitt good and she started with an INXS song. You know I nearly lost my mind.

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I know. It’s been a bit of a dry spell here.

I just updated my reads page and realized that every book I’ve read or am reading this year has been written by a woman. Cool.

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