Ears Wide Open

We have a premium membership to Salon.com and one of the perks, aside from good writing, is the access to some great free mp3s. I’m pretty impressed with how many of the songs I really like and that go into immediate rotation. Every week when I head over to the download area, I’m reminded about how narrow commercial radio has become.

I found out today that Cnet offers free mp3s as well. I just listened to Decibully’s Tables Turn and will definitely look for a full-length CD by them in the future.

So, music company executives, did you hear that? I got one free song legally off the internet and I’m willing to pay for a full-length CD. I’m not just willing to buy one, I’m pretty sure that cash will leave my hand for one of their CDs. Put that in your litigious pipe and smoke it.

**Update 7/29/05–I just opened a box from Amazon and immediately put Decibully’s City of Festivals CD in the player. Excellent music.

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