Things I’ve learned

This week I’ve learned one really important thing and relearned another. The first one is when I start my new job that I shouldn’t rely completely on the administrative staff. They lost a vital piece of my paperwork and delayed my start date. I feel somewhat bad that I already have some cynicism going into the job. I don’t feel that I need to pass out too much charity since I’ve been administrative staff. I’ve been administrative staff in an HR department and the last thing you muff up is someone’s start date.

The relearned piece is just because you pay someone to do work for you doesn’t always mean that they will do a good job or give a care. The original owners of our new house paid $9K to have repairs done to the interior of the house. What they got was a BOHICA. It is a sad and terrible day when I can spackle better than a professional, but that’s just what happened. My repair is undetectable under the new coat of paint and the professional job was so bad that I had to redo it.

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1 Response to Things I’ve learned

  1. jet says:

    My husband and I once bought a brand new custom built home. You would think it would be built better than a home in a subdivision, but what we found out is that custom just means more expensive and more difficult to have repairs done. After three years the house still wasn’t right and we chose to move rather than deal with the “professionals” anymore. Like you, we now choose to do our own repairs. Sounds like you did a bang-up job. Good going.

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