Furthing Our Image of Cool

To counteract the ickyness of the last entry, I’ve decided to indulge in cute.

Yesterday morning we babysat The Niece for a few hours. As her father was dropping her off, she asked him if she was in our community. She’s a smart-whipper, that one.

When I told her we bought a new coloring book, she dropped what she was looking at and said “where”. I’ve noticed that it isn’t so much about her coloring as it is about her telling me which colors to use and me coloring. She’s a good manager. The better-half took a picture of her then photoshopped it so she could color pictures of herself. Her alter-ego ended up with yellow and green hair.

We went on a walk in the woods and she did the proper thing: pick up a stick and carry it around. When we were done with the walk, she tossed it back into the woods for next time. While on the walk, she wanted to know if we’d see a fox. She told the better-half that if we see the fox that he’ll say “I love you”. Then she called for the pond: “here pond, here pond”. We did find the pond and that was pretty cool. On the way back, we were faced with the problem of how to get The Niece across the creek. She was sitting on my shoulders while the better-half looked for a good crossing spot. I told her that I could just toss her across. She laughed and laughed. Mark my words, we’ll be tossing her across the creek in the very near future.

After the walk in the woods we had snack and watched teevee. Thank goodness for OnDemand (which is part of our package, frog) because every time she called out a cartoon “Blues, Dora, Little Bill”, I was able to find a show. She thinks we have an unlimited number of kid videos in our collection.

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4 Responses to Furthing Our Image of Cool

  1. frog says:

    The question is, did you get OnDemand for Blues, Dora & Lil’ Bill or for the grown-up programs that come with the package?

  2. Frog says:

    Totally about the grown-ups. I guess you’d call that unintended cool.

    Oh wait…there’s really “grown-up” stuff on there. I meant, of course, movies that didn’t first run in that theater downtown where everyone is wearing a trenchcoat.

  3. Liz says:

    I guess you have discovered the true meaning of grown up “OnDemand”. We have to pay extra for all that on DirectTV…except sometimes we get a free weekend, but it’s never when the kids both have sleepovers.

  4. Liz says:

    I meant it’s never when the kids get *invited* to sleepovers, cause them having sleepovers here during “grown-up DirectTV week” would just be wrong.

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