
Today while using the bathroom, which is a completely normal thing to want to do after lunch, I managed to jam my pinky into the back pocket or the waist or something of my jeans as I was tucking in my shirt and I bent my nail back so far that now there’s bleeding under my nail. I’m a big baby because IT HURTS. Whimper.

One of the heat pumps is dying and so the heating and air conditioning guy who came by today to do regular maintenance has spent hours trying to troubleshoot the problem. Looks like we have to schedule some sort of test where they blow out something and blow in something and somehow that tells us if the repair price will be huge or if it will be medium sized. Whine.

Praise be! We have ordered some blinds for our bedroom. The bad thing is that the price to cover up the wall o’ windows was so outrageous that we’ve decided to do something else other than go with the woven blinds that we’re using on the other 3 windows. Which means that we’ll be living with the sweet sheet action for a little longer. Whimper and Whine All The Time.

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