
This morning around 6am I woke up because the UPS was beeping. The better-half and I stumbled out of bed. He turned off the UPS and I called the power company. We have their 800 number written in the front of our phone book so we never have to flip to the correct page–think we’ve called that number enough? I checked the temperature and it was 19 degrees outside. We’re not filled with confidence that our power company will be doing much for us in the coming winter months.

We got back in bed and listened to generators chugging to life all around us. I’d be surprised if there is anyone on our road that doesn’t have a generator. We turned ours on around 7 so we could start the heat, water pump, etc.

We were without power for about two hours. A critical two hours though–the two hours that most people get up and head out the door.

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