Am I Blah, Blah? (probably)

I know this isn’t exactly riveting reading, but at least I’m actually doing the writing. Here’s an interesting article in the NY Times about politicians and their blogs–just another way that boomers have taken over-gack.

Yesterday I went with my sister and our mother and our mother’s friends to Williamsburg for some outlet shopping. I stopped at BJ’s to get some gas before making the trip. When I reported this to the better-half he asked if the GG were in my way, as they usually are. GG? Greatest Generation–a moniker that digs way down deep under my skin and plucks every last one of my nerves. Who says? Tom Brokaw? Screw that. How can one group of people be the greatest ever? Thanks from Generation X. First we were reviled with the term “slacker” and then “apathetic” and now we have to hear about how a generation is the Greatest. I haven’t actually met any slackers in my age group so I’m not really sure where that came from except perhaps that movie with the same name. Who cares…not me (sarcastic laughter inserted here).

The exciting part of the trip, outside of some really good deals, was that my sister and I set off the car alarm and I had no idea how to get it to turn off. At least the alarm works. One of my mother’s friends had to tell me how to turn it off…I was seriously thinking of ripping out the battery. Chagrin.

I had some insomnia last night (I’m evidently in the midst of my summer-time insomnia) and ended up watching not one but 2 partial episodes of Queer Eye. I was as disgusted as the boys by the state of the 2 apartments. NASTY. Note to self (and anyone else): if a TV crew is coming to your house clean up your place. There were dishes in the sink, newspapers everywhere and one of the bathtubs was black from the mold. It was nasty and each of the catty comments the boys made was dead on. Disgusting.

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