Canning Maniac

This weekend was spent mostly canning tomatoes. I bought 25lbs of tomatoes from a local grower on Thursday and spent the weekend canning. I used all but one jar (which is only about 4 ounces–a novelty jar, really). I ended up putting some tomato puree in a ziploc and freezing it. We still have some tomatoes left. I think I’ll make spinach stuffed tomatoes tonight–delicious.

Here’s what I did to the tomatoes….roasted about half of what I canned and mixed with regular blanched tomatoes (to get the skins off). I have a bumper crop of basil so that went in the jar as well. I also roasted some cloves of garlic to add to the pot. Then I canned. I don’t like to make sauce or do anything else to the tomatoes. One year I made sauce and it wasn’t all that great and didn’t really take to doctoring.

We also had dinner at our friend C’s house. She filled us up with ribs, salad and an excellent corn and asparagus combo. Then I dominated in the Mountaineering edition of Monopoly. It is good to be the king.

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