Why Say Things Like This?

Why does the media publish stuff like this?

Either there is an imminent threat or there isn’t. We believe that someone out there doesn’t like us and would like to kill or frighten as many of us as possible. But, to say this: “The United States fears al Qaeda is plotting a big attack in this country but has no plans to raise the terror threat level and no details on when, where or how it might occur, officials said on Wednesday” is akin to me saying “I may or may not have mayo on my sandwich today, or tomorrow, but probably on something before the weekend is through”. In other words, don’t clutter up my world with things you don’t know.

I live 2 hours outside of DC and 2 hours away from the Virginia Beach/Norfolk area–two really huge targets on the east coast. My how fried we’ll be if either of those cities is hit. Give me news I can use or shut up.

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