Disjointed, but it is my blog

I finally finished reading Wintering and let me tell you that if Kate Moses was channeling Sylvia Plath when she wrote it, then the book is brilliant. If Moses was just layering imagery on top of imagery on top of imagery because that’s the way she writes, then it wasn’t so brilliant. This I know from all my experience as a NY Times Best Seller writer.

Something else that I know–if I had ever met or hung out with Sylvia she wouldn’t have had the opportunity to turn on the stove, I would have throttled her.

I made a snow angel today.

This morning when I took the flannel sheets off the bed, I put the fitted sheet over my head and my entire face showed through the huge hole in the sheet. Said sheet is now in the rag pile. You know it is bad when you wake up at 2am and your foot is stuck in the hole.

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