800 Numbers

Here’s the scenario: our health insurance company switched from one RX company to their own RX division to handle prescriptions. This is all well and good. I called on Friday to refill my order and got someone who clearly needed to go through training again. I specifically ended the call with a repeat of exactly what I needed–name of drug and dose–because the person on the other end of the line was so out of it.

Guess what happened and, no, you don’t even have to think about it. The company left a message on the home machine this afternoon asking me to call in again about the order. After a good 30 minutes on hold the very professional (I mean that sincerely) customer service rep asked me to confirm the dose.

Here are my complaints:
if on the first day of providing the new service you can’t get someone trained and ready to go then don’t put that person on the phones.
if I’m on hold for 30 minutes program your phone system to get my name and number and call ME back.

And, on a completely different subject but one that is pissing me off (yes, I’m hormonal)–we agreed to let our next-door neighbor use our driveway for some equipment to come in and rip out part of his backyard so he can put up a garage. Today I got home and the driveway is THRASHED. Of course it is dark so I can’t really see the damage but I can tell that it is THRASHED. Also, he has a 2 car garage attached to his house…how much more garage do you really need? GRRR.

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