Porch Party

We invited family and extended family to a porch party yesterday. Extended family barely RSVP’d and didn’t show. The rest of us seemingly had a good time. Although, I usually get that impression and then all hell breaks loose later. I’ve decided that I just don’t have the energy anymore to figure out everyone’s motive. Maybe I’m paranoid in thinking everyone has a motive and I should just get over myself. My father still isn’t talking to me–which is an amazing feat considering he was invited to my house, showed up, ate food and then took some leftover lumber home. Probably no one else noticed. I did and I guess this is just the way it is.

Not to be a total downer….my sister got the job at NASA and will be moving to FL in August. This is a big summer for her…gets her PhD and a new job and will have some time to get articles ready for publication. WHOOOOOOHOOOO. Double-kudos to you.

Today we’re headed to Mt. Crawford, VA to get some books for our week at the beach (which is not until August). Mt. Crawford is home to a serious book fair and we usually try to go once a year to stock up on reading material for the beach…and beyond.

The better half got the latest Harry Potter for his birthday and cruised through it in 2 days. I have to finish my book about time before I can read it but semi-dry science is having a bitter battle with my need for Harry. We’ll see which one wins.

To end this totally disjointed entry–I think I bruised the top of my left thumb turning off the water in the shower this morning. We have a long handle that controls the shower and my hand slipped off it and my thumb raked across the long skinny end. Man that hurt.

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