The Weekend

The better-half and I went to the Crozet Arts & Craft festival this weekend and while we didn’t actually buy anything we did talk to a ceramics artist about making a sink for us. She had a couple of them on display and since we’re in House Proud-mode we found out what she can do and we got one of her cards. I’m digging the idea of a hand-crafted sink. Art+Function=Smiles.

We stopped in Charlottesville (which seemed weird since my sister and her husband don’t live there any more) and went to Harris Teeter. I know, we’re freaks. But we were happy freaks when we left there. We got some groovy cheeses and two packs of chicken sausages that we couldn’t possibly find in the Richmond area and we bought beer that can’t be purchased in Richmond. We got 4-6packs of Gennesse Cream Ale (which can’t be found in Richmond), a 6 pack of Tennents (which is hard to find in the Richmond area), a 6 pack of Woodpecker Cider and a 4 pack of Bellhaven. After shopping we spent a few minutes wondering why it is that Richmond is lacking.

We have a handful of universities and colleges in the area. Charlottesville has UVA so what makes C’ville more of a college town than Richmond? Why is it that it is hard, hard, hard to find groovy food and beverage items in Richmond? Is it because the family that has the grocery store market in Richmond doesn’t sell beer or wine and somehow that attitude carries over into the other players? Yes, you read that correctly…moral superiority at the supermarket. But, what does it matter? They have tasty ready-made foods and sushi!

If you want Bud, Bud Light, Labatts or even if you need to “PBR me, ASAP” then I can point you to 50 stores that can help you out. You want something off the beaten track then I can point you to a handful of stores.

Is it because of the old joke that the only thing Richmonders like is what happened years ago? You know–I used to love going to that restaurant; I remember the day when that store was in business; Wasn’t it fun when that place had dinner and dancing; blah, blah, blah.

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