Today I put on a shirt and left it un-tucked which is not something I do often but the shirt is one of those that can go either way. I really didn’t feel like wearing a belt today so I just went with the shirt un-tucked. My fashion sense just boggles the mind doesn’t it?
At some point I was fiddling with the end of my shirt and realized that my last name was written on the inside of the button placket. Darn those dry cleaners. I sort of felt like that kid at camp who had to wear clothes with her name written on them. Heck, maybe I was that kid. I flipped the end of my shirt back over as quickly as I could so as not to get beat up in the lunch room.
I walked over to campus today to work at my other computer (the one with Flash on it) and realized that there were hardly any students around. What? If it rains people don’t go to class? I can hardly blame anyone, really, since the sidewalks were loaded with water and the storm drains weren’t really draining. Any wonder that Richmond has a history of flooding?
When I got to the other building, I paused to push my rain jacket hood back (to minimize the water I’d track in) and just as I put my hand on the door knob a co-worker put the lock on. Fortunately for me, but unfortunately for him, the blinds on the door were slightly open so I could see him playing his joke. He let me in and then we laughed about how he needs to be quicker and stealthier. I’m still mulling over an appropriate response to the intended prank–pouring rain, co-worker trying to get in the door, locking door, mayhem ensues.
I still have towels with my name on them. My mom put little tags on everything when I went off to college. We use the towels to dry off the dogs after a bath.