Things I learned

There are a few things I learned from Hurricane Isabel…this is probably the last entry on this subject.

When a hurricane is forecast, don’t fall back on what you remember happening the last time. Every storm should be treated as severe — so that means that if there is laundry to be done, do it; vacuum the floor even if it doesn’t really look like it needs it; wash the dishes; fill up the 5 gallon gas can; get lamp oil; and you can never have too many candles.

Also, if you have to stay with someone or if you have to rely on someone for any length of time then you need to cough up something. Whether that means you give someone a gift certificate so they can go out to eat; agree to baby-sit their kids the next weekend; wash their cars; bake them a sweet treat; mow their lawn; whatever…you owe them and just because you are related doesn’t mean you get off the hook.

If electric crews from another state come to your state and work like dogs to restore power, then you need to thank them. Thank them verbally, by mail or the internet. Thank them by slowing down when you have to go around their trucks. Wave at them. Smile. Be NICE. They can go home and leave you in the dark–don’t forget that.

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