The balance between supporting local businesses and not gathering is tough, right? We have two reservations for dinner at local spots over the next couple of weeks. Until the restaurants tell us not to go, we’ll go, but it does feel weird, right? If there are 35 other people in the room and it is a small room, I may not stay. I don’t want to be Typhoid Mary. It’s a balance.
Our plans for next weekend were cancelled the other day. No cultural event for us. Then there’s the band that is on tour through April that has paused their engagements. The venue has not released the money back to our card yet because they don’t know if they’ll be able to host the show at the end of April or not. Or maybe the show will be in August? Who knows. We’re waiting to learn more.
Tomorrow, my company is having an all-hands work from home day. This is to test the load. Apparently, there are some who have never worked from home. I was shocked to hear this. But, now they get to practice connecting remotely. I have four meetings on Monday so it will be interesting how all of them go. Other companies are 100% work from home so it isn’t impossible. I’ll be checking in with my team to learn how they did. Day one won’t be a big deal for us, but day ten might be.
It’s funny what people scoop up during panic buying. This is not a gastro-virus so what’s up with the toilet paper craze? We have enough food to comfortably eat for two weeks and then we’ll devolve into weird concoctions. We’re hoping to clean out our freezer. Wouldn’t that be a good outcome? Eat all that stuff we froze and then spend money at our local butcher and seafood shops?