Where have you been intertubes? I’ve been working like a dog. I can’t wait for vacation or the end of the year. Whichever is first.
We do actually have some pretty flowers in the yard, but they are short-lived:
We took The Nieces to several spots on the James this weekend. The Nieces added to this:
A couple of weekends ago we canned tomatoes and this weekend we’re going to do it again. The first batch came from the green grocer down the street from our house. We kneeled on the floor and looked through the seconds/leftovers they had from Origins Farm. This weekend we’re going to get hooked up with a farmer at the Farmer’s Market. I need to call them and ask them to bring us a case.
When I got home from work this afternoon, I canned dilly green beans. Oh baby. So simple and so tasty.