The Weekend

This weekend the better-half and I spent time in the college town. I didn’t have class this past week, but went to college town anyway, because there was a conference on campus. I ended up having dinner with folks from the university that employs me. We drove to Catawba to have dinner here. We had a good time and I think I may have frightened one person with my driving and delighted the other. Good conversation, switchback roads and fried chicken. How could the evening get any better?

The better-half arrived on Friday just in time for lunch. We walked into town and ate some pretty decent Thai. I’d definitely go back there. For dinner we drove out to Ironto for Italian and it was OK. The better-half was less impressed than I was, but if someone twisted my arm, I’d go back.

Saturday was bleak with drizzle and fog so we hit some thrift stores and aside from three really eclectic books purchased by the better-half our search for a cheap headboard and a chair was a bust. I found a headboard I like online and the better-half thinks he can build something like it. It doesn’t need to be pretty, just functional.

The cats managed not to thrash the place while we were gone. It’s not like the old days when we’d come home to a poop and vomit extravaganza. The current cats are much better behaved than the previous bunch. Both Simon and Jim couldn’t wait to get outside today and I can’t say I blame them. It was in the 50s and sunny. We haven’t had much of that this winter.

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1 Response to The Weekend

  1. Liz says:

    Catching up. You sound like you are doing well and I’m glad to hear that Simon and Jim are getting along. We didn’t get that warm today but it was a nice sunny day and more important, the melt was slow and not flood-inducing. Still tons of snow on the ground here. I updated tonight. Not sure it makes sense after SB beer but I never proofread.

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