I’ve logged in a few times recently and just cleaned out spam. It doesn’t seem right to bitch about the small things when folks are shooting people in shopping mall parking lots.
I grew up in the South when the Ag kids went hunting at dawn and drove their trucks to school with the guns in the back window gun rack. I know how to shoot. I went hunting as a youngster. And, as hokey as this sounds, it was more about walking around in the woods with my dad then it was about the need to kill something. If we did shoot something, we brought it home and ate it. I never need to eat squirrel again. It does not taste like chicken.
All of this to say, where did it all go so wrong? How did we get to a place where young men (and presumably women) tell themselves the best way to be is to shoot up the place? I want to be in another place. A place where those with mental illnesses get real help. A place where assholes from Alaska don’t pretend they don’t fan the flames of violence with their call to Reload. Really? Can she be that stupid? We were all right there when she said that and we’ve all seen her website with the crosshairs on it. Maybe her 15 minutes is up now.
Another reason I have no desire to return to the U.S. Seriously, time to get a grip. When I tell people here I’m American they say “Oh, I’m sorry….” How sad is that?!?!?!
We once let people think we were Canadian…because they are more polite