Because I’m mean

Since I’ve taken over the IT responsibilities for my organization, I’ve really seen a different side to the people I work with (not the blubber side of that one despicable co-worker, thank goodness). The kind of stupid side. I don’t mean they actually are stupid, but that they are rendered stupid when it comes to a bump in the technology road. I can see why the last IT person was so surly 90% of the time. Well, not really, but I’m trying to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Yesterday for the 560th time a, I’m not kidding when I say she’s become unhinged, co-worker asked me to come look at her computer. Something was wrong with her computer–ohmygodwe’reallgonnadiebecausemycomputerdoesn’twork. One of her monitors was displaying a message that there was no signal. I turned on her computer which sent a signal to the monitor. Damn, if she didn’t email me this morning and tell me it did it again last night when she turned off her computer. Because her computer was off and her monitor was on just like the day before. And, when I explained again how come it was happening she then asked me if it was because of the battery. It was a good thing she was 4 hours away from me this morning.

Another co-worker–the manager who wears purple velour exercise suits to work–bitched at me because she’s so busy that she can’t be bothered to update a couple of spreadsheets that the rest of us use to do her job. I reminded her gently, because she is the one who will bring a gun to work, that I know from busy and we can’t know the information that’s very lonely in her big empty skull so we have to rely on her spreadsheets. If they aren’t right we can’t do her job.

Then I found out that same velour-wearing moron gave out our brand-new password that she agreed she’d keep safe. The password didn’t even last a week. I had to request that another be assigned to the organization so that every Tom, Dick and Harry can’t take our information and pass it off as their own. I ratted her out to the director because by that time (oh around 10am) I had had it.

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