An Evening of Bluegrass

We went to a bluegrass show last night and the room was set up as if it were a wedding reception. It was weird and made it really hard to move around or be completely comfortable. The music made up for it.

We saw the following:
The Cary St. Ramblers
East of Afton
The God Fearing Snake Handlers

Afterwards we stopped by our local Mexican restaurant, split an order of Nachos con Chorizo, had a couple of drinks and then came home to ants in the kitchen. I do. not. like. ants in my kitchen. It was game on. Then I slept like a baby happy in the knowledge that I unleashed holy hell on those ants.

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3 Responses to An Evening of Bluegrass

  1. Liz says:

    We’ve been chanting “Kill the queen” while watching the ants take the Terro. So far it seems to have worked.

  2. Frog says:

    I’m going to have to look for that. I’ve been spraying them with Windex which only kills them on contact. It’s so odd because we really don’t keep food out on the counter or leave dishes in the sink.

  3. Paul says:

    Our exterminator said that if you have any wood or mulch right up against your foundation then they will find ways in because of that!

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