I left my office building in the bland office park and drove down to campus today to meet one of my former professors for lunch. We had quite a good conversation and I got to fulfill my buffalo chicken wrap jones.
Since I was going to be on campus, I had set up a meeting with someone in technology services so I could talk about a database we need. Since it’s not for university purposes, we’ll have to pay for it. Bummer. The cost will run over $5K. Which surprises me not one bit, but I’m not looking forward to reporting that back to my supervisor. It’s a complex database and it needs some serious programming. Got to pay to play, so to speak.
I returned two books at the library and checked two more out. When I went to the counter–I know I could use the express check out, but really, I like the interaction with the counter staff–the young woman asked if I was returning books and I told her I was actually checking something out. She laughed and said everyone is returning things this week (graduation is the 22nd). Faculty privileges are so awesome. I have the new books out until November.
I took the long way back to my car. It was so nice being on campus even though I was totally disconnected from the hive and had to check emails when I got home. Actually I could have done that at the library, but I feel weird taking up a computer to check work email when I know a student needs one to do all that hard work on papers or projects Facebook.