For most of last week, we had no network services at our office because a car hit a pole on Sunday, the office shut down due to no power and it ruined our router. Everyone else in our building was connected, but our router was fried and wasn’t replaced until after lunch on Thursday.
This morning the building slammed into darkness again and this time there was a transformer out somewhere nearby and we were told power would be back up around 2. So, I went home to work. Before I got home, there was an email from work telling me the power was back on. So much for accurate forecasting.
Working from home today has been especially awesome because she’s been hanging out in the backyard nervously clucking for hours:
The cat has also been freaky all day. Then, I found a skink tail in the hallway. About 30 minutes later, the cat was on the rest of the skink. That’s a boy job so I was glad the better-half was working from home today too. The cat was noticeably forlorn when we made his friend go outside.
I spent much of this morning listening to the turkeys in the woods. They don’t get close enough for a picture, unfortunately.