Baby, baby it looks like it’s going to hail

I picked Lil Elvis up from pre-school yesterday and she asked me about the dog. I asked her which dog and she said the one with the big collar at my house. Little kids have an odd sense of time because she was asking me about a hunting dog she saw back in early December or November or some long ago time as far as my addled brain was concerned. I remembered the dog had a big 3 painted on his haunch and then Lil Elvis and I talked about that and how big the dog was.

When we got to her house, we played a very quick game of checkers that really ended up in the board being flipped over after I told her I was probably not going to let her win. Because I’m the evil aunt who likes to whip small children in games. She gave me the cartoon blink, blink (you know the move, when you can’t believe someone just said that) and then decided that doing something else was a good idea. So we taught ourselves to juggle flaming chainsaws.

The better-half came over as I was being attacked and beaten into submission. That kid has some wrestling moves. It also helps that she knows I’m not really going to fight back, but that I’m good for making exaggerated dying noises and asking occasional questions about whether the fart bomb was just released on me (I lost count on those).

After my sister got home, the better-half and I went to Carini’s in the East End. We’ve known about it for years but had never been before. It popped into the better-half’s head last night and so off we went. Delicious, family-oriented Sicilian-Italian restaurant. The parking lot smelled good. People were walking out with pizza boxes and the inside smelled even better. My leftovers made for a delicious lunch today. We’ll definitely go back. The analog to that restaurant in our “official” town was maybe that good when I was 15 but they’ve been losing ground ever since. It’s nice to know where to go for affordable, comfort Italian food within 20 minutes of our house.

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1 Response to Baby, baby it looks like it’s going to hail

  1. Liz says:

    I love me some Brian Setzer…you gotta jump, jive, then you wail…

    It’s always good to know where to get good Italian. There’s way too much bad Italian to be had.

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