We’re having some friends over on Saturday and I bought them a bottle of Garum Colatura di alici di Cetara (which is basically Italian fish sauce that goes on noodles). They went to Italy several years ago but I don’t know if they know about this sauce. We have a bottle too, but haven’t broken into it yet.
These friends are always generous with tasty treats and so I’ve also made them a pint of pickled grapes and a pan of cheese straws. The recipes come from The Lee Bros. Simple Fresh Southern and The Lee Bros. Southern Cookbook both are by Matt and Ted Lee. I don’t have either of these cookbooks but the internet is your friend so you should be able to find the recipes should you suddenly need a pickled grape.
What does a pickled grape taste like? I have no idea but I’ll eat a pickled anything and our friends share that sentiment.
Update: Pickled grapes are quite tasty!