Head scratching

I am lucky to have a job. I know that. I’m in a semi-secure position. Even though my project is grant-funded, it is federally mandated and funds are available. I am lucky.

We just got a press release from our Governor and there will be no pay increases for state employees in FY2011 and 2012. I looked it up and the last time I got a change in my pay was 2007 and that was for COLA (which is a tiny 2 or 3 percent).

In other head scratching news, there’s someone who works on the other side of the building who sits in an interior office. The only light that is ever on in her office is the small florescent directly over her desk. How does she not snooze through the day?

I’ve been to the restroom twice this morning and both times I’ve been in there there’s been someone camped out in the second stall. I realize it probably isn’t the same person each time, but if I go in there one more time and someone is parked in that stall then I’m going downstairs for the rest of the time I’m here today. By the way, I know she’s not dead…although the way things are around here that’s not a stretch.

Today we close for winter break for two weeks. The head scratcher for this bit o’ news is why I decided to come to work at all. I should have planned better. There’s absolutely nothing I can, in good conscious, start today and then drop for two weeks and I’m finished with everything that had to be finished before break.

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