Steam Valve

I’ve been trying like hell not to complain but a habit is a terrible thing to break.  Things that are driving me to distraction:

Schoolmates who can’t or won’t get the hang of using wikis and blogs. It’s a text editor folks, presumably you already know how to use them. Schoolmates who write like five year olds. It’s graduate school, write like you are taking it to a higher level. Schoolmate who decided a Shrek video was worthwhile. No. It isn’t. Really. No.

Sluggishness of computers at work and the general slipshod of no one seeming to care that stuff is not getting fixed. Speaking of, I’ve been waiting more than 5 minutes for my email to open. Unacceptable.

The night and day switch of my supervisor. One week it’s all let’s shit down the neck of an employee and the next it’s all wow maybe she’s onto something. I’m exhausted. Make up your mind.

The damn McCain sign two doors up. The damn McCain signs are all along my route to the interstate. I saw so many “Blank for McCain” signs today that I entertained myself with filling in the blank with things like “Armless Women for McCain”, “Out of Work and In Foreclosure but still for McCain”, “My Child Got Killed in the War but I’m still for McCain”, “Dumbasses for McCain”. Give it a whirl, it’s fun.

By writing that name so many times, there are probably people out there who think I actually like him. Um, No. Really. No. Do Not Like. And that harridan running mate. Don’t even get me started on her and her lying, arm twisting, cronyism and other bullshit.

Ah, pressure valve has been released.

Updated because the annoyances just don’t go away: Why do people think it is OK to use multiple exclamation points? Are you really that excited? Exclamation points should be used sparingly.

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