Well, I had written a lively rant post and then IE shit the bed and I lost tons of work including the post, work I was actually getting paid to work on and a bunch of other stuff. I hate IE and my stupid, shitty connection here at this craptastic building. GGGGGGRRRRR.

Anyway, my post was about how our highway department posts electronic messages to highway signs telling us on hazardous air quality days to either stop driving or to take transit. Even though I know I can’t take transit, I thought I’d look and see if I was wrong. I went to the local transit authority’s website and used their trip planner. My home address is invalid and I had to tinker like hell to get the trip planner to recognize my work address even though I work in an office park that’s been here at least since the 1970s. The result is I can’t ride transit unless I want to drive three quarters of the way here and then sit on my ass forever while the bus driver gets me to my destination. To which I say to VDOT, fuck you and your stupid, inane signs when you know the majority of the people who are coming from east of the city CAN’T RIDE TRANSIT because transit barely extends past city limits. You might as well tell us to use the TELEPORTER today.

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