I did, in fact, fall down into a well

I think our Chinese New Year celebration went pretty well except the utter ickiness of the Neen Gow. We ended up eating ice cream instead.

Sunday afternoon I spent massive amounts of time creating a training segment in Captivate only to find that my video card just couldn’t keep up with the action and so I didn’t get to include a training module in Captivate for my portfolio. Bummer.

As Sunday night developed, my disappointment in that failure didn’t really matter as I suddenly, by suddenly, I mean SUDDENLY developed the funk. We were eating dinner and all of a sudden I had stomach pains. I believe the actual term for the pain was stabbed-with-a-knife pain. I finished dinner, though, because the better-half took the leftover pork from Chinese New Year and made BBQ. BBQ is manna. And, I really didn’t know the horror was about to start.

The severity of the situation can be adequately summed up by one simple piece of evidence. I did not finish drinking my Chimay. I was seriously sick. And sick. And sick. And, then sick some more.

Around 11:30 or so I went to bed and set my alarm like everything was going to be OK and that the evening had just been a fluke. At 2ish I woke up, turned off the alarm, did some foul and gross things in the bathroom and then emailed my boss. No way was I going to work. At about 4am the vomiting stopped. Being sick is really quite gross.

Yesterday I slept most of the day. This morning I woke up before my alarm went off and decided there was no way that I could go to work, leave for a chunk of time in the middle of the day for my interview, and then go back to work. So, I got up, called in sick again and went back to sleep. When I got home from the interview, I knew not going to work was the right idea. I was spent.

I think my interview went rather well. It was more like a conversation only with me doing a lot of the talking. I don’t know that I was the most brilliant person they’ve seen but I was genuine and completely me. My philosophy on training and adult education seemed to mesh very well with theirs. I should know in about a month.

On the way back from the interview, I stopped by our voting place. The sour pusses running the show there were even more sour and devoid of personality than usual. It’s probably because I told them I wanted the democratic ticket because when else am I going to get to vote for a woman. They just sat there like toads on a log. I think one of them actually flicked a fly out of the air with her tongue. Sisters, you need to get out of the ‘ville occasionally.

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1 Response to I did, in fact, fall down into a well

  1. Liz says:

    Thank goodness you didn’t have to interview on Monday. That would have been too much.

    Maybe that tongue flick was just as homage to your frogness?

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