I Made A Pie

We had a friend over for swimming, hanging out and dinner last night. We spent a lot of time in the pool trying to balance on noodles–the noodles being under our feet. I ended up putting my foot through one of our floats–ooops, the float is now in the trash.

I woke up yesterday morning and started my hausfrau routine and part of the routine included making a pie crust from scratch. I can count on one hand the times I’ve done this but the crust turned out pretty well. Unfortunately, I found out too late that the extra all-purpose flour we keep in the pantry in a ziploc bag was infested with whatever those little bugs are called that infest flour. YEEECH. So, I had to substitute a cup of whole wheat, bug-free, flour. The crust was a little tanner than it was supposed to be but flaky and delicious. The filling was cherries and I mixed cans of sweet and tart cherries so, technically, it was a sweet tart pie.

We also made Tri-Tip Steak on the grill. The fine folks at Belmont Butchery sold us the steak and I should have had faith that they could come through. The better-half knew better than to accept my suggestion of using a flank steak from a grocery store. The dish was delightful and we descended on the plate like jackals and nearly finished it off.

We also served caprese (I didn’t realize my friend doesn’t like raw tomatoes but she does like cheese so she had a tomato and two slices of cheese), a tossed salad with a blue cheese dressing the better-half whipped up, and roasted potatoes.

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2 Responses to I Made A Pie

  1. Liz says:

    It was too cold last night to swim here. I think we only got to 66 today. I’m in socks and a sweatshirt, but I’m not ready to switch to sweats so I’m still in shorts.

    I can’t imagine not liking raw tomatoes. I suppose if I only ever ate ones from the grocery store, I probably wouldn’t like them either.

  2. Frog says:

    I can’t imagine not liking tomatoes either, raw or cooked. But, she has a long list of foods she doesn’t care for and it makes having her over for dinner a challenge.

    It wasn’t too bad temperature-wise, but I did say that I was cold way before the better-half or the guest got out of the pool. I ended up sitting on the side for awhile–when the water temp goes below 88, I think it is chilly.

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