I think the snot in my head is slightly out of control and I’m thinking of ways in which to kick its slimy ass. Why is it that I can’t seem to get through one spring without my allergies going into overdrive and I end up with a wad of viscous crap that wants to sit just over my soft palette and make me miserable? Verily, I despise it.
Because I’m all about balance around here, if I start off with a disgusting bit about the rancid glop in my head, I need to finish with something pleasant.
Did I mention I’m taking a summer class? It runs for 5 weeks and we meet 2 times a week for 4 hours a session. You’d think all that sitting would be unbearable especially since the late afternoons and evenings are really quite nice this time of year. However, the professor is so engaging that it hardly seems like we’re there 2 hours much less 4. The class is about adults who have learning disabilities and the professor is a recognized expert in the field and he is so, gosh darn!, excited about the subject that we’re all becoming really excited about the subject too.
I’ve been meaning to get one of these:
We all suffer from spring allergies here and my daughter is allergic to allergy meds, go figure. There’s a co-op in town that I think would have them and I’m going to go tomorrow. I’ll let you know how it works if I do.
I bought one of the pots today and it seemed to help my daughter quite a bit. She had a pretty good sinus headache when I got home and she said she felt better about a 1/2 hour after her first “cleansing”. I’m going to have her do it several days in a row.
I’ve never used one of those before. I do shoot the saline spray in there and that seems to help. I’ll have to look into one of those pots.