Tell Me 10 Things About Yourself

Last night I went to the Adult Development class and sat across the room from a guy with tattooes that read TRUE on his right knuckles and LOVE on his left knuckles. Looks to me like he has plenty of ink after his wrists but due to the long sleeved shirt I couldn’t tell for sure. He teaches GED classes and works in an economic development office. He also talked about being fascinated by his latest read. He’s thinking of joining the same master’s program as I’m in. I hope he gets accepted.

Another person in my class was once a ski bum, lived on a sail boat, built her own house and rides a Harley.

Several people talked about how they are control freaks and one woman, who looked vaguely unhealthy but maybe that was just her skin tone under the florescent lights, said she’s been known to go back and fix other people’s work during group projects. All I could think was I’ll never be in a group project with that freak. One guy is originally from Bosnia and he wouldn’t stop talking about preferences (as in Meyers-Briggs). When this guy got to the part where he had to say what his weakness was all I could think was please say the stick up my butt. But, he didn’t. I don’t remember what he said because I was thinking too much about how much I hate doing that “tell me 10 things about yourself” routine.

The woman to my left wore kickin’ boots and her cell phone had a heavy metal ring tone. The woman to my right is from Montreal and said her favorite tool in the kitchen was a glass of wine. I think I’m sitting in the right spot.

Naturally I was the last one to spill my personal information and I said my strengths included being a smart ass and my weakness was that I hated, hated, hated doing these things. Both were true. I also said some other rambling things and someone asked me if I was a stand-up comic. I replied no, but a good smart ass. I think I said ass three times last night. I’m sure the professor put a mark next to my name on the roll sheet.

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