Half Day, Thankfully

OK, it’s not enough that it is chilly outside, but it also has to be rainy and windy. Brilliant.

The university that employs me gave everyone a half-day. I walked over to campus early this morning and the place was dead. I wonder how many classes were actually held this morning. The coffee shop in between where I work and the campus had more employees than customers. While there, I had the fumbling experience of having to check jeans pockets and rain jacket pockets for my two bucks. How embarrassing would that have been? Take money out of wallet, put in pocket, walk over to coffee house, order coffee, wonder what happened to cash, walk out empty handed and with killer death rays from employees. Luckily I found the money, obtained coffee goodness, and tromped over to the other building for a meeting.

On the way back to my office, I saw a person getting a speeding ticket. Felt a little bit of schadenfreude since I get sick of people speeding down Main Street–hey, city street,pedestrians everywhere, get a clue.

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