
The better-half built a bookcase for me. I stained it over the weekend and we put it in the room this afternoon. When he builds a bookcase, he builds it to last. We nearly died hauling it out of the garage, around the house and up the stairs. When we finally got it in the house, I asked him if he thought the floor upstairs was reinforced enough so we wouldn’t wake up with the bookcase downstairs. I’m a sweet and loving wife, yes I am.

I put a textbook on the shelf so you’d have an idea of scale. It is a big, bad bookcase and I’m thrilled to have storage.

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2 Responses to Behold!

  1. As somebody who has dabbled in carpentry and cabinetry, I have to say that’s impressive.

  2. Liz says:

    That is a beautiful case. I’m impressed.

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