Gonna waste some time with you and let this world go

The better-half and I were looking around to see what’s going on in Seattle next weekend since we’ll be there. We found out Hem and Over the Rhine are playing at Neumos on Sunday. So, we extended our hotel stay for one more night and have tickets at Will Call. The total cost for both tickets is $50. I can’t remember the last time we paid so little for a concert. TWO BANDS we like. TWO.

Today at lunch I saw one of the professors from the class I’m taking. We said hello and went back to conversation at our respective tables. As he was leaving, he asked me how I was doing on the final paper. I said OK. He said “you’ll do fine”. Then he turned around and asked if a specific section of our group project was mine. I laughed and said yes and thanks for noticing (the group paper was a nightmare and we were lucky to get a B). He smiled and said “we both noticed” (as in he and the other professor could tell which section was mine). I know one of the points of the group project was to write as one voice but that could never happen which was part of the problem with our group paper but I nearly jumped up with joy that he could tell which part was mine. I think I need to tell that professor to stop talking to me because he’s making me feel like I could actually do well in the graduate program.

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