Today we were finally going to walk over to the dining hall and eat in the faculty dining room. We’ve been talking about doing this for a year. I declined a meeting just so I could finally go over there and see what’s what. Another key factor in changing my schedule was I thought someone I’ve come to loathe had already left to go back to his office. No. Lucky me. He had lunch with us. And, we ended up going to the bar down the street to eat burgers instead of the dining hall. All things considered at least I had a decent burger.
This loathsome person and I used to work together for a brief amount of time. He was actually my supervisor, but that didn’t last long. I thought he was fine. Then, much to my surprise, I found out he’d become a full-time trainer for the organization I work for. In the first couple of months of my employment he said several mean things and, well; I just can’t get over it. When you call into question my ability to do a job I was hired to do, I tend to get a little prickly.
The thing is many people in my building just think he’s the bee’s knees. I feel like I’ve entered the Twilight Zone. I only mention the Twilight Zone because he pseudo-sang the theme song from that show several times during lunch. I should have just stabbed him in the head with my fork.
The only thing that makes me happy in relation to him is that several people he works with find him to be very annoying. I think about those people whenever I’ve had too much of him and I smile to myself.
He sounds like a Looooohhhhhhoooooser!
The dining rooms have to be way better than they were back in the eighties. I’ll be curious what you think when you do finally get to go there.
I’ll be sure to report. I’m already blown away by the Student Commons with the huge selection of fast food, sushi, etc. The hanging out areas are much nicer than anything I’m familiar with.