
I took a schload of coins to the grocery store today and used the Coinstar machine…hold the rolling of eyes over the fact the machine charges a fee, whatever. I walked out of there with nearly $78. And, I recycled the old plastic grocery bags so I was feeling twice as good. Then I hit a bird on the way home and had to apologize to the universe.

This week at work we’re starting an exercise routine as a group. We have 4 different exercises we’re supposed to do three times a week and at the end of a month we complete a form and then we get a microwaveable bowl (one for each of us). I’m not ashamed to admit I’m in it for the bowl. I need one at work to use at lunch. Since that seemed really shallow, I decided today I’d start doing some exercising again. I did some yoga today and I have to say it’s really nice to exercise in the morning. However, I won’t be waking up any earlier so the yoga and whatever other exercising I do will be done in the afternoons. Today, I got lucky and had the day off.

I’ve had the yoga tape for a few years but this is the first time I’ve used it at the new house. How much nicer it is to do the poses on carpet instead of a concrete floor. I may actually stick with it this time. I felt completely energized afterwards and whatever soreness I feel doesn’t bother me in the slightest. I just need to work on the will power.

Also starting this week, is my class. I bought a notebook today at the grocery store. The book I had to order from the school bookstore came late last week. I’m all set. Now, I just have to knuckle down and get at least a C so I don’t have to pay the tuition. I’m pretty motivated. Perhaps I would have gotten better grades in undergraduate if I saved all that tuition money.

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1 Response to Cha-Ching

  1. Amy says:

    Best wishes with your new class! I hope you do very well with it.

    I’ve never done Yoga before. I’ve done Pilates, but never Yoga.

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