Could It Just Be The Weekend Already?

This has been one long week. Remember back in school Thursday nights brought in some of the best parties? I could use that about now. Instead we’re going to run a couple of errands and then have dinner at a place that has turned their October menu over to Oktoberfest. The better-half went there last week and has just stopped talking about the sauerbraten. I wonder what will be his fancy tonight.

Tomorrow night the better-half is going out with some friends so it will be me, the couch, the remote and a bowl of popcorn. I’m hoping for a spooky movie. Something from the era when movies were shot in black & white, sound and music effects were what’s creepy and gore shots were non-existent.

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3 Responses to Could It Just Be The Weekend Already?

  1. Amy says:

    Enjoy your peaceful time alone….I LONG for that!!!! :-)

  2. frog II says:

    I can not tolerate B&W movies. If I am going to waste 1.5-2 hrs, I want color, blood & guts.

    Come to think of it, I think I need to watch “Kill Bill” again, soon. Color, blood & guts. And Uma’s not hard on the eyes either.

  3. Liz says:

    Actually I remember parties Monday through Sunday. That’s when I realized, certain terms, I needed to have my first class start at 1PM. Sometimes I had no choice but to go for the 10:20 start time. But I never, after first term freshman year, went for the 8AM class.

    If you like movies, check out Netflix. We always have a movie around for when there’s nothing better to do.

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