Once when I was a small child (less than 8), one of my aunts gave me a piece of candy while I was sitting on the back steps. It was a sunny day and she had just walked out of our utility room. She told me that it was special candy from very far away and I could eat the wrapper. Eat the wrapper?
I ate the wrapper and I remember the candy was good. I remember the candy was orange. I remember there was a certain texture to it. I’ve remembered the whole scene for more than 30 years. I’ve never seen that candy since. Until last night.
I’ve never seen that candy before, but the wrapper is really pretty. Where did you end up finding it? Online?
I found it at World Market.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that store. They have all sorts of neat candies in there.
Were they as good as you remember?
I remember my Grandma had those candies called “Ice Cubes”. They were chocolate, individually wrapped, and if memory serves, she kept them in the freezer. I hear they still make them, but I’ve not seen them anywhere. I’m afraid they won’t be as good as I remember. But they were a special treat.
Are these the ice cube candies you remember?
Looks like they’re out them right now, though…
Yep, Goat! Those are the ones. I may have to check back in a few weeks to see if they are available.
Oh, I see they ship from Cleveland, Ohio. Makes sense, since that’s where I grew up.