They do it down on camber sands

I’ve had a hankering for mussels lately and last weekend we saw that one of our local grocery stores had a bag of them in their fish case. It wasn’t something we could do that night for dinner but I’ve been thinking about it since then.

When I went to the grocery store on Thursday I looked but they had no mussels. On Friday the better-half stopped at two stores and was told at the second stop that they’d just sold out. We had a delicious fiery tilapia recipe instead.

Yesterday we went to the Yellow Umbrella fish monger and got almost two pounds of mussels. The Yellow Umbrella, my friends, is the place to go to for fish. It was recommended by the better-half’s aunt and I’d totally load up the cooler with ice and head back across town to buy fish from them again. They had a wonderful selection, the place was very clean, it smelled like fresh and they talked to every single customer about their fish purchase. And, there were plenty of customers.

I found a bottle of Belgian ale at Total Wine:

We used a simple mussels recipe from epicurious. I didn’t follow their recipe for tomato sauce since I’m the KING of tomato sauce.

We served the mussels with the remains of a crusty baguette and a small salad:

We’re making mussels again:

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1 Response to They do it down on camber sands

  1. Liz says:

    Wow, I was getting worried that you were still waiting for the security guards when I decided to “refresh” your page and 3 new posts popped up!

    That tilapia recipe looks good. We feasted on steamed clams and home grown corn this weekend. It doesn’t get much better than that!

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