I’m on Vacation, how ’bout you?

I’m officially on vacation until 7:30 am Tuesday morning when I have to be back at my desk. Whoooohoooo.

I went by the grocery store on the way home to pick up snacks, ice and drinks. I also got the cat and the better-half some provisions for the weekend. I was most worried about the cat because the better-half said he’d take care of his own grilling and chilling needs.

My sister is picking me up tomorrow morning in her new-to-her mini van and then we’re going to burn up I-95 on our trek down to Florida. My FL sister said the weather predictions are for beautiful weather. I think it would be very nice of NASA to figure out the problem with the shuttle and send it up while we are there. My sister says we’d be able to see the launch from her house. That would be so very, very cool.

I’m not sure about how frequently I’ll post, but if one of us does something particularly embarrassing I may post from my sister’s house.

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