Let the back breaking begin

We received all the permits necessary to begin work on our new screened porch. The better-half thinks we can rip off the old deck and dig the new footings this weekend in time for an inspection of the footings on Monday. The concrete truck is coming on Tuesday to dump concrete into the footings for our foundation.

I’m not sure how well I’ll be moving on Monday after we get finished. As much as I love destruction, I’m a little worried about our timeline.

Pictures showing our progress will appear over in the House Proud section. Riveting pictures, I’m sure.

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2 Responses to Let the back breaking begin

  1. Maria says:

    Have fun! We are going to Norfolk to see our niece and M.I.L. on Saturday. It should prove to be a trip of traffic torture.

  2. Liz says:

    Don’t forget the before pictures, as well as the during and afters.

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