Land of the Race Car YaYas

I realize I should be thrilled that NASCAR is coming to town this weekend, what with all the tourist dollars, but I’m really not that thrilled. Certain parts of town are just going to be off-limits due to the traffic. I did see a cool 18-wheeler that had plexiglass as part of the trailer walls so you could actually see the car inside. OK, so maybe that’s not all that cool but it was something different to look at on the way to work the other day.

It will be interesting to find out if we’ll be able to hear the dull roar of the race track at the new house. Occasionally we’d be able to hear the noise at our old house. Since we’re closer four miles closer to the interstate, I predict we’ll be able to. I can’t imagine what it must sound like if you live right near the track. I guess all those neighboring people just hear the sound of cash slapping into their hands as race fans park in their yards.

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