with a snow-white pillow for my big fat head

A few weeks ago I interviewed for a position at a local institute of higher learning. If you are familiar with Richmond, VA then you can guess which one.

Today I was offered the position. I’ll be considered faculty and will get all the perks that go along with working for a large urban university. At the time of the interview, I really wanted the job. I thought it would be cool to work there primarily because I’d get to do some projects that I’ve always been interested in (combining my interests in technology and writing). I’m still really interested. The bad side is that the money is not as much as I’d hoped for and is really only about $500 more per year than my old contracting gig.

The reality is that the old contracting gig is dead and, thankfully, never going to rear its ugly head again. I need to look forward and I think that the other benefits greatly outweigh the money. I believe you have to go with what you really like and the money part will take care of itself. At least that’s the way I’ve always managed my life (except that little side tour in Hell I did) and so far it has always worked out. I may never build a huge bank account with this position but I should be able to build a big life account with this position. So, there you have it. New job on the horizon.

The other bit of news I learned today is that someone I used to work with (actually she talked on the phone with her friends and the rest of us worked) makes considerably more money than she deserves. I was having lunch with my old boss and former colleague (we’re all happily employed elsewhere) and I just turned to my former colleague and asked if that news hurt her feelings because it always pains me when you find out that the biggest slacker in the office is the one getting the most money. We commiserated and then went on with the rest of the gossip.

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1 Response to with a snow-white pillow for my big fat head

  1. Liz says:

    Congratulations on the job! It sounds very impressive. I hope you are very happy there…plus you’ll have all kinds of new things to write about.

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