Swirling Around in My Head

2005 hasn’t really started off with a bang for me yet. I think I’m still trying to get over 2004. The better-half and I recently had a conversation about the feeling of “whew, thank god that year is over and done with” that we seem to always have at the end of December. We didn’t come to any conclusions about whether the years recently have just sucked or if we just feel all wrung out by the end of each year that we feel a little pessimistic.

Every New Year’s Eve we talk about what was good about the year and what was pretty bad. I think, unfortunately, the bad outweighed the good in 2004. Even while having the conversation I think we felt a little troubled about being able to come up with so much that was wrong. I guess that’s human nature.

To get the whining over with:
Work was a joke last year. I have an interview set up to discuss curriculum development for a large organization in the area so this year could reverse that joke.
Family dynamics didn’t really improve this year. There’s always this year to work on that.
My grandmother’s health has failed. She’s my last living grandparent and I’m sad.

At least the sun is finally out again and pizza is on the menu for lunch. Life has a way of looking up.

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