Happy Tuesday

I’m going to the dentist in about a half hour. I’m always happy to go to the dentist because of that squeaky-clean feeling. I’m sure to get scolded for not flossing. Yeah, well, I should also eat better, lose weight and give up my fondness for curse words. Let me just add flossing to the staggering pile of things I should do better.

After the cleaning and scolding, I’m headed to the grocery store. Our household is running dangerously low on key items. Things like toliet paper, tissues, beer, cat litter and cheese. I’ve avoided the grocery store for over a week because I hate going into any store right before a major holiday.

We had dinner last night with our friend C. We went to a place in the booming town of Mechanicsville and as we were eating our salads I interrupted conversation to alert everyone to the fact that there was someone going around to all the tables making balloon shapes. I think I actually said “don’t be alarmed but there’s someone making balloon shapes”. I was a little freaked. The balloon maker wasn’t singling out children and one man was wearing a God-Knows-What balloon thingamabob on his head. Later, C. referred to the balloon maker as a him. The whole time I thought the balloon maker was a her. In case you are in town, Pat the Balloon Maker hangs out on Monday nights at Joe’s.

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