We went to closing this morning only to be told that one of the sellers hadn’t signed his copy of the deed. The deed was delivered to his apartment on November 22nd. He had to go this morning to get it from his building super. I have lived in loads of apartments in my time and every. single. time. I had a package the building management left me a note. Even when I lived in the apartment where the SWAT team had to routinely patrol. The better-half and I played good cop/bad cop with me in the bad cop role (no shock there) at the lawyer’s office today. We took our money and walked out. The lawyer will call us as soon as he gets the deed. Here’s a tip lawyer man– get your ducks in a row before you waste another hour of our time.
As if this wasn’t crappy enough, I called Dominion Virginia Power last week (and the better-half also talked to them) to get the power transferred to our name starting today. The power was off at the walk-through this morning. The better-half spent a half hour on HOLD this morning only to not get that cleared up. He’s on HOLD again.
I’m sick to death of people not doing what they say they are going to do. Is it really that hard to follow through?