Oh, you’ve got to save me, save me from tomorrow

I had three weird trips in the elevator today while at the contracting gig.

On the way up to my floor, I was in the elevator with two other people. One person got off on the first floor (you get in on the street level, ride past several parking levels and then get to the first floor). The other person rode to the third floor and although I took a step away from her she never moved once and she hummed for the two floors we were alone. Not a hum that had a tune just a hum. She got off and I said out loud “that was weird”. I get the irony of this.

On the way down to the conference room to attend a painfully boring training class, I was crammed in the corner of the elevator. When we finally reached the basement, I practically pushed the slow boats in front of me so I could unpeel myself from the wall of the elevator. Folks, if someone gets off and makes room, take a step forward or to the side or whatever and let me get off the wall. For crying out loud already.

On the way back up to the work floor after attending the truly boring training class on information security, two women who had been in the same class stared and stared at me and my co-workers. So much so that when they got off on their floor, I asked my co-workers what was up with that. The co-workers didn’t even notice. I guess I was the only one with the freak goggles on.

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