Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn

The poor boo-boo kitty is all stressed out and has taken to ripping out his hair. He occasionally does this because he is psychotic. Seriously he is touched. Or as they say around here “he’s a little teched”. I took off out of the office early today to head over to the pet store. When I got home, I gave him a squirt of some anti-itch (which he just loved–actually after getting over his fear of the squirt bottle he enjoyed the cool rubdown). Then he had to lick some of that hairball malt stuff off his paw. Because where there’s this much hair all over hither and yon there will be the ritual hacking up of hairballs.

He also got half a pack of Whiskas moist tuna which he hoovered down and then he lolled around on his new catnip bag. Life is good for our non-stop itching-scratching freaky cat. At least until he remembers to scratch, scratch, scratch and lick, lick, lick again.

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