Ok, so I’m sick. I hate that stuffy head, scratchy throat feeling, don’t you? And, to top it off, I couldn’t sleep last night. I have problems sleeping during a full moon (it isn’t the light shining in since we practically have blackout curtains) so last night when I should have been sleeping to heal myself, I was on the couch reading The Book of Salt. Which is quite excellent so far.
And, since I’m blaming my allergies and insane weather for my sickness, this next paragraph didn’t just come from nowhere. I realize that hurricane season doesn’t officially end until the end of November, but if it is okay with everyone let’s just pretend it is over and not have any more this year. I know Floridians are tired of them and believe you me those of us who live farther up the coast are sick of them too.
Praying for you Frog, hope you feel better real soon. BTW I saw your shelves and they are magnificent. Yall done good,
From a fellow Viginian who also lives in the woods